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Cognitive Bias

  • A common way for our brain to make judgemental errors that is repeatable and rooted in a explainable way
  • No one is immune to this and certain context makes this condition worse
  • Individual Level
    • Automation Bias
      • Confidence in machines, programs and code
      • Neglect to inject personal judgement
    • Barnum Effect
      • See myself accurately described in vague and generic descriptions of personality
      • i.e. Myers Briggs, Astrology
    • Base rate neglect fallacy
      • Not including the overall statistics into consideration
    • Belief bias
      • When something is inline with your a prior belief it is more true
    • Choice supportive bias
      • After making a decision, you exaggerate the benefits from that choice
    • Fundamental attribution error
      • Assign importance to the individual as the locus of agency in interpreting our own everyday life and the behaviors of others
  • Interpersonal Level
    • Blind spot bias
      • Others are more biased than I am
  • Intergroup Level
    • Echo chamber
      • When everyone agrees with you, you feel more correct
  • Availability Heuristic
    • Effort justification bias
      • I evaluate an outcome based on the effort
    • Illusion of transparency
      • I believe my thoughts and feelings are more accessible to others than they actually are